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2024 - 2025 Season



Fall Show






Children’s Show

Each year, LHHS Theatre produces a children’s show for student of the Lake Highlands feeder schools. This is a wonderful opportunity for the youngsters to be introduced to the high school theatre program and ignite their desire to be part of the program when they reach LHHS. It also gives our high school students a chance to be role models and to interact with these young thespian recruits.






Our annual musical is a big part of the LHHS Theatre tradition. We begin auditions, rehearsals and workdays in October and the musical takes place in late January. We draw talented students from all the corners of the school including band, choir, dance, cosmetology, the football team…. and anywhere else we can recruit them!






One Act Play

U.I.L.* One Act Play is the Theatre Department’s contribution to the academic competition by our Varsity group. During the spring semester, the department produces a show that must adhere to prescribed guidelines and rules. It is a fun yet challenging experience that tests creativity, talent and mindset. LHHS has a strong tradition of advancing several rounds deep in competition and we are excited about future opportunities to get to State!


*UIL stands for University Interscholastic League Theatre. It is a competition that was founded in 1927 and is the largest high school play production contest or play festival in the world. More than 14,000 Texas high school students in more than 1,000 plays participate in 300 plus contests, which take place from the beginning of March through the three-day, 40-production State Meet.





Varsity Theatre

Auditions to join the 2025-2026 Varsity Troupe will occur in May.